# This website is vaporware, a web application running on a Solid-State Interpreter Virtual Machine.
Vaporware is a program that runs on a new kind of internet computer, called a ship. Ships are built on a novel virtual machine, called a solid-state interpreter.
Ships combine the functionality of wallets, large file storage, encrypted p2p networking, and full stack web applications into a single framework. They are designed to run in the cloud, but are owned cryptographically by people. Ships are internet appliances.
## The system
The Vaporware ship is composed of three closely related systems:
- a purely functional virtual machine
- permissionless application and package registries
- an app store and package management program
Vaporware is developed as Free and Open Source Software and respects the four essential freedoms.
## The device
Like the EVM, the virtual machine used by Vaporware has been designed as infrastructure for a decentralized internet. It is a purely functional system and is ultra-minimal. Unlike the EVM, it supports fast parallel computation and can store large amounts of data, cheaply. It does not provide global consensus.
Vaporware uses the VM to replace developer-hosted web services with non-custodial web apps — web apps owned by users.
## The registry
Every ship has a unique identity in the form of a cryptographic key. Ships encrypt and sign all of their messages by default. The owner of a ship can register the ship’s content and share it with others. Identities are used to control access to registered content.
Vaporware is a decentralized file storage network, but can also be used to distribute and run full stack software applications. Registration binds content to ship identity, so users can trustlessly monetize their data and apps.
## The agora
The agora is the economic bootloader for the Vaporware network. It is the default protocol, owned by every user, providing unfiltered access to purchasable content and software.
Vaporware has no “app store” qua “app store” to host and monetize apps. Instead, users are able to self-host their own access point to a purely p2p content distribution system. Peer-to-peer payments provide censorship resistant payment rails and the agora provides censorship resistant distribution.
Reach us at: founders@vaporware.network